When starting out as a new TV writer, there are only two scripts you should have in your arsenal at the very least: two TV pilots.

When a showrunner is trying to decide if they should hire you...
When an agent or manager is trying to decide if they should represent you...
When a development executive is trying to decide if they should meet with you, they'll all want to see a TV pilot.
THEN if they like what they've read, they'll ask to see ANOTHER sample. And this should be a completely different pilot than the first one you've sent them.
Which brings me to the point of this article...
In terms of career strategy, there is no point in writing episode two of your TV series
There may be instances where you're planning on shooting your series. There may be times when writing episode two will help elucidate aspects of your overall TV series for yourself.
That's fine. But this should only be used as an exercise.
In terms of career strategy, this episode two script will be useless. Nobody will want to read it, and if you send it to anybody, they will know right away you don't have much experience.
Why won't anybody read episode two?
First of all, TV pilots are the go-to writing sample. So, anybody trying to get an idea of your work will only want to see a pilot.
Second of all, if a studio, network, or streamer is interested in your TV show, they'll want to develop it.
That means, anything you've written is likely going to be changed. And that episode two you have written will likely go out the window right along with it.
At the end of the day, if you want to write episode two, just know that you're writing for yourself. And if you do want to put in the effort, make sure you at least have two pilots at the ready before embarking on episode two.
There's no reason to waste time if you don't have have all your ducks in a row yet.